Certified Agile Skills - Scaling 1 (CAS-S1)
The Certified Agile Skills - Scaling 1 course is tailored to organizational leaders, managers, and anyone wanting to ramp up agile scaling results. This course is designed to meet you and your organization wherever you are in your journey to expand the benefits of agile teams across an enterprise.
Upcoming courses
Course Description
Join Dave in an interactive, engaging learning experience that seeks to answer the decades long conundrum on how to reap the benefits of agility at scale.
This two day class will provide hands-on learning through direct experience, where you as participants will reach into the toolbox of your experience and collaborate to address the challenges of scaling in real time. You will be supported in learning through doing, making mistakes, and adapting within a safe growth environment.
About Certified Agile Skills - Scaling 1
The goal of scaling is to enable an organization to increase its capacity and capability without necessarily adding more people. We know however, that when it comes to scaling, flexibility in approach is the key to success. Unlike prescriptive scaling frameworks, this course focuses on understanding complexity and visualizing the patterns we can expect when we undertake the shift to Agile at scale. We are equipped with a principle and pattern based approach that avoid "one size fits none" solutions.
Additionally, because we know that growth of any kind goes beyond just a business exercise; we recognize that the art to make the scaling change sustainable requires support and organizational change management. We explore the utilization of supporting structures, which we refer to as scaffolds, to guide the change and embed new practices, and we dive into proven change management ideas and merge them with the iterative and incremental type of delivery that we know to be a game changer.
All of this is capped off with interactivity and case based learning, that will serve us as we apply our learnings into our organizational contexts.
Key Concepts
Ramp Up the Results of Your Agile Efforts
Unlike prescriptive scaling frameworks, the CAS-S1 course equips you with the skills and knowledge to help you identify and explore principle-informed patterns that apply to your organization's unique and evolving context.
In this course, you will:
- Develop the skills and mindset needed to consider an approach to scaling and/or understand the need to evolve your scaling approach
- Recognize the role of patterns in frameworks, improving the effectiveness of frameworks and align your organizational principles with appropriate scaling patterns
- Explore the use of 'scaffolding' to aid your organization in moving in the desired direction
- Become a member of the world’s largest global community of agilists with opportunities to connect with peers mentors, and subject matter experts
- Reasons to Scale
- Cynefin & Complexity
- Scaling Philosophy
- Scaling Challenges
- Vision, Value & Principles
- Patterns & Practices
- Supporting Scaffolds
- Organizational Change
A good appreciation of agile practices and frameworks. No prerequisite courses or training is necessary.
Who it's for
Change agents and others participating in or leading agile scaling efforts; managers, executives, internal coaches, and external coaches and consultants.
- Middle managers driving the change
- Executives who believe in the change
- Agilists who embody the change
- Course qualifies you for 16 Professional Development Units (PDUs) and 16 Scrum Education Units (SEUs)
- Registration includes two years of Scrum Alliance membership
- Pre- and post-course emails with recommended readings and videos
- Digital copy of the workbook as well as of the in-class artifact